Here we've sorted out the melee and ranged DPS rankings to see which classes stand out in raids and PvP content based on their performance, the utility they bring to the group, and their viability in general play. WoW Cataclysm Classic Tier List - Best Cataclysm DPS Rankings (Pv...
In WoW Cataclysm, Retribution Paladins received a resource overhaul that is still controversial to this day. The addition of Holy Power changed how the class spec functioned despite it retaining its powerhouse status (like Death Knights) spawned from Wrath of the Lich King. Even so, the Ret Pal...
We hope this helps set the groundwork for what to expect going into the Molten Core and also helps illustrate our intentions for resistance fights and Raid difficulty with this raid tier. We want to emulate the feeling of gear progression from original WoW as much as possible, with the added...
253 posts 70 Human Paladin8505 Oct 2022 Plz bring back the experience buff, as it is it takes like 2 months to get to 1-80 x.x 4 Replies 61 read70 min Natureuscary 576 posts 80 Tauren Druid1140 Oct 2022 Not gonna lie, this whole 70-80 thing is attrocious. Been AV spamming for...
In pvp it’s much easier to spend tons of mana, but it’s also way easier to get mana back with lower CD disperse, spamming swd not being a big issue and wings being your burst you should always have mana whem you need it. Unfortunately, this is just somrthing you nedd to learn ...
End game? This might be the best tree, overall, for level 85 raiding and is Ok in PvP. Energy regen comes from one of the top tier talents. Combat - The most "in your face" if the trees. Starts out with good energy regeneration and is the only Rogue build with any "hit two ...
Some notes on the talentsnot includedin my recommendedBM Ferocity PvP Pet Build… Great Stamina – More pet health is definitely a good thing, but I prefer Serpent’s Swiftness for a first tier talent. Natural Armor – More of an extreme soloing talent. These points can be better used for...
WoW died to me after that. Also the destruction of creative build paths ruined every class identity. I’m genuinely angry you have enough hubris to dare suggest those things were positive. The MASSES left after that. Why the prior 2 expansions were considered the golden era of WoW ...
In pvp it’s much easier to spend tons of mana, but it’s also way easier to get mana back with lower CD disperse, spamming swd not being a big issue and wings being your burst you should always have mana whem you need it. Unfortunately, this is just somrthing you nedd to learn ...
In pvp it’s much easier to spend tons of mana, but it’s also way easier to get mana back with lower CD disperse, spamming swd not being a big issue and wings being your burst you should always have mana whem you need it. Unfortunately, this is just somrthing you nedd to learn ...