Season of Discovery Hotfixes, July 17thHere come more hotfixes!WoW ClassicJul 18, 2024at09:07byStarym Tier 0 Coming to Vendor in Season of DiscoveryWe have some good news for dungeon runners! Blizzard have announced that Tier 0 set items will also be purchasable from the Undermine vendor sta...
This is the one criticism that's actually legit. I agree Earthquake lacks a little oomph for an end-of-tier talent, but I wouldn't want to lose it as a spell; it's a valuable addition to our arsenal. Stats: Intellect: Our main stat. Now provides Spellpower, in addition to small ...
Fairly quickly, however, more and more gear will drop in the raid that is optimal for you to be wearing, including tier sets, which you will notice all already have a certain amount of fire resistance. The idea here is that as you obtain items you want to wear, they convey much of ...
but in WOW, the gear actually looked good, and because each class had unique tier gear, it was usually possible at a glance to tell how good (or at least dedicated) a player was. In fact, when I first started playing I was really impressed...
They should drop tier sets, they should just be of lesser ilvl. Like a “looking for raid” version of the same gear. That’s how it was…that’s how it is. But having 10 less ilvl does not beat tier set bonus. The biggest issue with LFR has always been how it forced competitive...
While you’re waiting for Cataclysm Classic’s launch, check out our looks at the best WoW addons of 2024 and our WoW Dragonflight tier list for more. You can also follow us on Google News for daily PC games news, reviews, and guides, or grab our PCGN deals tracker to net yourself...
I’m specifically talking about 3.3 and beyond since emblems of triumph allowed you to buy recently outdated tier sets…which obviously don’t exist at Wrath’s launch. But once ICC is in, it should be as it was back in 2009-2010. I don’t think it’s a big deal either way, it’...
You do not need to get the top tier talent, you just need to spend the 31 points to then open up the other trees. After that you can go into the other trees or buy more combat talents. You will only get a total of 41 points at level 85 (as opposed to the previous 71 points...
guildwide atunements harder heroics no tier sets from emblems underwater / multipasenger flying mounts so mostly yes i am excited but it can have some more in my opinion Reply With Quote « Previous Thread | Next Thread » Page 1 of 6 1 2 3 ... Last Quick Navigation General Disc...
out our Paladin PvP guides to get a better understanding of how to gear and play your Paladin in PvP as either specialization. Inside of these guides we have included a number of ways to improve your game play as well as lists of what are considered to be the best-in-slot sets for ...