Talent Trees Rebuilt: The talent trees are being completely restructured to reduce bloat and streamline player choices, with a focus on more meaningful talent selections. Specific Class Updates: For example, Death Knights will see Blood as their dedicated tanking tree, Druids will experience changes...
Talent’s Last Stand The talent trees got another huge overhaul, but this time instead of adding 5 new talent points, Blizzard took away 30! Level 85 characters had 41 talents, which wasn’t so bad except it reduced the emotional reward given at each level. Still, I understand how the p...
Extensive revisions to the talent system: talent trees are cut down to 31-point talents (7 tiers each tree). Players will gain a talent point about every two levels up to 80, instead of every level, and then 1 every level after 80 for a total of 41 talent points at level 85 (vs....
3. Redesigned talent trees The talent system has received a major overhaul. One of Blizzard's goals with Cataclysm was to give players real choice when deciding which talent to choose and not have them feel like they were missing out on something really cool if they chose the "wrong" talen...
Talent trees were destroyed going into Cata and MoP; for what I had grown accustomed to during pre-Cata WoW. Äpathy: He will 100% complain about the talents that no one took being removed, and the 5 point choices being reduced to 3 points. I promise he will. Something something he ...
Pet training points are completely gone. Instead, pets now have talent trees. They earn 1 talent point every 4 levels starting at Level 20, which they can spend in their talent tree. The tree they have is determined by the class of pet. As aHunterin PvE content, you should use a Fero...
Pain and Suffering pretty much sums up what you do. Lots of damage. Once you earn your 31st talent point you can reach out and grab talents from other trees. 10/0/31 Cataclysm Shadow Priest Leveling Spec You can Click here to view the final build. Below is the step-by-step build: ...
outclasses by dual wield frost and you have to go deep into the frost tree for talents you want but this prevents you from getting the other blood/unholy talents you’d need to make a 2h build work and if you’re getting that deep into those trees you wouldn’t really be a frost ...
offensive pets deal more damage while taking more damage, defensive pets take less damage while dealing less damage, and general pets are more balanced. Along these lines, pets have pet-specific talent trees. Pets will have one of three talent trees based on if they are Ferocity, Cunning, or...
When you spend the first point in whichever tree you pick you will be locked into that tree until you have spent at least 31 talent points. You do not need to get the top tier talent, you just need to spend the 31 points to then open up the other trees. After that you can go ...