Paladin will always be the real hero class, and the way Blizz denies they are OP hints at a possible conspiracy within the Blizz Dev's. Class balance will always be impossible if you continue to favor one over the others. I guess 2 years of "lolret" comments have given paladins permanen...
overshadowed by the likes of the Retribution Paladin and Death Knight. In Cataclysm, they made a massive return to form with a huge buff to their overall kit and damage. However, Arms Warriors were still very gear-dependent, especially for weapons, meaning this class may not be the best...
Strikke 80 Holy Paladin/Darkspear US Reply With Quote 2010-03-04, 03:25 AM #108 Deleted Re: Cataclysm will kill Shaman tanking There is absolutely no need to be this negative, people who tank with shamans just do it for fun, "for the lulz" if you will, they are not as eff...
$js [INSTANT DELIVERY] EU - Shaman 80 [6100 GS ELEM | 6100 PVP | 6100 RESTO] Min. 1 1 watch_later 1 hr info_outline METAMMO Level 149 373.93USD [VLAF153436] battel net/WOW fake name Cata server faerlina H paladin lvl 85-set gear prot/heals-prof mining/blacksmith all max ...
You might also find that teaming, in PvP, with a pure damage dealer (Warrior, Ret Pally, Rogue, etc) can make for a fast leveling experience, especially if your team is winning.Cataclysm Shadow Priest Leveling Build When you hit level 10 you get to pick your specialization (your "spec...
21 Blood Elf Paladin0 Tinkerfel Oct 2022 If you don’t like WOTLK as it was go back to Vanilla. Same logic. Still waiting for a single fact from you people. You’re full of personal reasoning and that’s it. 1 Reply Maxobeat<bathwater> ...
Nevermind dk, warrior and druid tanks getting left behind prot paladins to a much larger degree than ret paladins. Never mind people literally character swapping from their resto shaman or druid to a holy paladin just to prog some bosses in Ulduar. Nevermind paladins already being the most re...
Druid leveling guide Balance Feral Restoration PvP Builds The Druid Click Here to check it out. The Druid class is intended to be protector of the wilds, defender of the great balance, and preserver of life, but unless you’re playing on an RP server, I somewhat doubt that you truly pl...