Wrath of Air: Mind Quickening (Shadow Priest), Moonkin Aura (Druid) Special Note on Fire Totems: Mostly, you'll be using Fire Elemental and Searing Totem. Unlike Enhance, we have no special need to use Searing, and Fire Elemental is better DPS. It should be popped in every boss fight...
iLevel >= 278 Int > 0 Resil = 0 Stat Weighting: Wowhead default Resto Druid w/ Epic Gems & Reforge items checked Listing format: Item (Wowhead link) – iLevel – Zone – Source (quest / boss / etc.) Head: Cowl of Rebellion– 346 – The Deadmines (H) – Vanessa VanCleef Willowy...
The WoW Druid is great for PvP, raiding, everything. Get the right builds and the tips here, updated for Cataclysm.