Once you have the achievement unlocked, you can buy this mount for 3000 gold from your guild vendor. 2. Fossilized Raptor Archaeology fans will be delighted to know about the Fossillized Raptor. The project for this mount has a chance to drop from any fossil dig site. Once you have the ...
Fixed issue with Guild Herald and Guild Page not being able to be learned by multiple characters of the same faction on a given account. Players affected by this bug can now buy these pets from a Guild Vendor at a discounted price. Players who were unaffected will still pay full price. A...
Reforging a piece of gear costs the same amount as vendoring it, so it's not free, but it's cheaper than gemming generally is. This lets you move 40% of one stat to another stat. Primary stats, like Intellect and Stamina, can't be reforged, either to or from, though take note ...
- The 'Sell junk automatically' option now has a setting to toggle the vendor summary in chat. - The 'Repair automatically' option now has a setting to toggle the repair summary in chat. - Fixed a minor issue with 'Recent chat window' ('Chat') which caused the title bar text to over...
- The 'Sell junk automatically' option now has a setting to toggle the vendor summary in chat.- The 'Repair automatically' option now has a setting to toggle the repair summary in chat.- Fixed a minor issue with 'Recent chat window' ('Chat') which caused the title bar text to overlap...
Join Date Apr 2010 Location Where the Wild Afk Gnomes Roam Posts 1,191 This is what i plan to do right now i purchased both drums, 1 has the kigns buff, one does shit nothign so thats being vendored, maybe i have fish feasts, 300 health pots, haste pots, flasks and my hearth...
Primordial Saronite can be purchased from both the Emblem of Frost vendor as well with a new currency gained in Titan Rune Dungeon: Gamma Protocol dungeons. New Collections User Interface A new collections interface has been added to Wrath of the Lich King Classic to gather Pets, Mounts, ...