2. Leveling Talent Tree & Build Your first talent unlocks at Level 10. Beast Mastery 0 0/ 2 0/ 3 0/ 3 0/ 2 0/ 2 0/ 3 0/ 2 0/ 3 0/ 1 0/ 1 0/ 3 0/ 2 0/ 2 0/ 1 0/ 1 0/ 2 0/ 1 0/ 2 0/ 1 Marksmanship 0 0/ 2 0/ 3 ...
which they can spend in their talent tree. The tree they have is determined by the class of pet. As aHunterin PvE content, you should use a Ferocity pet, so we will cover the Ferocity tree below. The exact ordering of points that you should always use is below. The tree does not ...
Selecting a primary talent tree is unlocked at level 10 and a tree must be chosen before talent points can be spent in it. This will provide passive bonuses and a unique active ability. Players will be unable to spend talent points in a secondary tree until they have invested 31 points in...
Hunter.lua Mage.lua Paladin.lua Priest.lua Rogue.lua Shaman.lua Warlock.lua Warrior.lua Libs Textures UI Wrath .gitattributes .gitignore .pkgmeta .travis.yml Bindings.xml CHANGES.txt Classes.lua Constants.lua Core.lua Events.lua Formatting.lua Hekili.lua Hekili.toc MultilineEditor.lua Opt...
When you spend the first point in whichever tree you pick you will be locked into that tree until you have spent at least 31 talent points. You do not need to get the top tier talent, you just need to spend the 31 points to then open up the other trees. After that you can go ...
talent.master_summoner.rank ) end, spendType = "mana", startsCombat = false, texture = 136221, handler = function() removeBuff( "soulburn" ) removeBuff( "fel_domination" ) removeBuff( "demonic_rebirth" ) dismissPet( "imp" ) summonPet( "voidwalker" ) dismissPet( "felhunter" ) ...
Best BM Hunter PvP Pets Because a good portion of a Beast Master’s damage comes by way of the pet, I find it advisable to use a Ferocity pet. It’s not to say there aren’t other good options for different types of PvP situations, but generally speaking, I feel a Ferocity pet sho...
Human/Boomkin/Tree Healing/Ranged DPS Int Int Haste Mastery Hit - the "Balance of Power" talent (Balance) gives you hit rating equal to the spirit on your gear. If you take this talent then spirit on gear is useful, otherwise skip Spirit. Agility, Str - no value Stam for PvP Resi...
which they can spend in their talent tree. The tree they have is determined by the class of pet. As aHunterin PvE content, you should use a Ferocity pet, so we will cover the Ferocity tree below. The exact ordering of points that you should always use is below. The tree does not ...
Instead, pets now have talent trees. They earn 1 talent point every 4 levels starting at Level 20, which they can spend in their talent tree. The tree they have is determined by the class of pet. As a Hunter in PvE content, you should use a Ferocity pet, so we will cover the ...