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Stat Weighting: Wowhead default Resto Druid w/ Epic Gems & Reforge items checked Listing format: Item (Wowhead link) – iLevel – Zone – Source (quest / boss / etc.) Head: Cowl of Rebellion– 346 – The Deadmines (H) – Vanessa VanCleef Willowy Crown (H)– 346 – Blackrock Caverns...
And a pally never really had the burst to take down a resto druid or a disco priest. Paladins were not, and are not, and will never be, as overpowered as much as the QQ leads people to believe. Tanking, DPS, healing, PvP...paladins are as balanced against other classes right now ...
Not a QQ thread btw, well not yet anyway Simple Question, as far as i can remember there has always been a class that people complain about, currently its paladins and for a while but not as much now DK's before that it was resto druids in arena's
I had a Paladin, Druid, Death Knight, and Warrior all geared up to tank. I also had a Rogue that made it to a few PUG Raids, and built healing kits for the paladin and druid, and even started raiding (again, PUGS, mind you) as Resto on the druid. Heroic dungeons may have been...
Nevermind dk, warrior and druid tanks getting left behind prot paladins to a much larger degree than ret paladins. Never mind people literally character swapping from their resto shaman or druid to a holy paladin just to prog some bosses in Ulduar. Nevermind paladins already being the most ...
70 Night Elf Druid0 Jul 2021 Feywaif: Zalanii: A lot of pugs are a healer + Tank duo that just looks for dps Speaking for myself, I rarely pug Heroics now and just tank or DPS if I have guildies who need it. At this point in the game, I think a lot of Warriors and Paladins...