On this page, you will find the best pre-raid gear for Arcane Mage in Cataclysm Classic. 1. Arcane Mage Pre-Raid Gear Set Welcome to our guide on the Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear forArcaneMage! Here, you will find recommendations to help you optimize your gear for maximum damage and perfo...
2. Pre-raid Best in Slot 1. Elemental Shaman Pre-Raid Gear Set The table below lists the best gear combinationsbefore access to raid gearin Cataclysm Classic. Click the button that correlates with the specific phase you are interested in seeing a BiS gear list for. The gear lists will most...
Pre-Raid Gear Rotation & Cooldowns Talents, Builds & Glyphs Best in Slot (BiS) Addons & Macros With the arrival of Cataclysm, the talent system received a massive overhaul, changing from the 71 talent points system to a more compact 41 points system. As such, many of the old talents wer...
Pre-Raid Gear Rotation & Cooldowns Talents, Builds & Glyphs Best in Slot (BiS) Addons & Macros Professions are a crucial part of your World of Warcraft character, with the potential to give you a large boost to your damage, healing, or survivability, while also allowing you to generate so...
If your’e not full pre raid BiS by now then you’ve been doing it wrong. Dude it took me a full week to level and I still played way too much. My damn hand feels ready to fall off. WotLK in your 40’s is way different than WotLK in your 20’s. ...
Otherwise people are forced to rely on pre-calculations before entering an instance to know what's worth even trying for (and even then, what if TWO upgrades drop will one negate the other?!), or everyone gets to eb midnless sheeps and try and follow the BiS lists and simply ignore all...
What? I’ve been raid logging on all my toons for WEEKS now. It takes like 2 days to level to 85. It takes 1 afternoon to get pre raid BiS from heroics and catchup gear from ZA/ZG. It’s never been more easy in the history of wow to get into the game and raiding “even hero...
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Join Mount Hyjal Raid. You must be level 65 or above to join the raid and have Classic WoW installed. And speak to Tydormu. Find him wandering the “foyer” ofMount Hyjal raid. This raid has multiple portals leading to different stages, making it one of the most comple...
On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Arcane Mage in Cataclysm Classic. Pages in this Guide 1Introduction2Builds, Talents, Glyphs3Rotation and Cooldowns4Spell Summary5Stat Priority6Enchants, Consumables7Gear and Best in Slot8Leveling9Pre-Raid Gear ...