Paladin Addons for Cataclysm Classic Paladinnow has more resources to manage than ever with the addition of Holy Power being able to effectively track not only your Holy Power but the cooldowns of your generating abilities has never been more important, Addons are a great way of not only simp...
Cataclysm Classic Now Live! 2.3k views 21 likes 1 link 25 users May 16 15 / 34 May 15 Back Jul 22 Devourspally <M U T I N Y> 23 posts 85 Blood Elf Paladin 7485 Veliveanna May 16 Lol i’m talking about warcraft logs. If you didn’t even know that, then you’...
I’m sure there’s will be someone who chimes in about my logs and I hope the power trip makes your day. That said, mana is a severe issue. It has nothing to do with playing your priest the right way or managing your mana right and reason being is that if I can only get ...
1. Death Knight Addons for Cataclysm Classic Death Knight is a class with a constantly changing set of priorities that can at times be hard to keep up with but Addons can greatly simplify this process by allowing you access to additional information to track your own resources and various ...
To get the most dps out of your Mage I suggest learning to use Rawr and Simulationcraft. This will help you get the most out of your toon in his/her current gear and maby learn ways to improve through the logs. Macros: Some of my favorite macros are: ...
Cataclysm Classic: The Molten Front Now Live!Prepare to face Ragnaros in the Firelands by taking the initiative in the Molten Front. Join the defenders of Hyjal as they work to create a foothold in the Firelands to quell the onslaught of Ragnaros’ elementals....
Say they should do Classic + And what That is Is different some people think som was good Others like Like myself think it was garbage. If we’re talking specifically about cata Never once In fact And none of my formposts have I ever said anything That we shouldn’t get cata In fact...
6. WOW Classic Mastery | Be Bold, go crazy -I have no issues with WOW sessions but I feel this is Blizzard’s chance to really go out on a limb and try, test and play with things. -Leveling time in the mastery is still too long. I was keen to play and raid but I stopped at...
WoW Classic Cataclysm Classic Discussion Zrrk-stormrage June 17, 2024, 2:19am 121 Williamferal: You linked your own logs… I linked an ele played at a higher skill level… The higher skill level ele has their fire ele hitting the target. If you can’t seem to do that, respectfully,...
is that why wrath classic lost hundred of thousands of players since the launch ;)? -arena? are you blind, check the ladder it’s dead with just few thousands playing & about raid logs. -the logs doesn’t prove the numbers since many players raid on multi alts, so that’s not unique...