€af EU CATACLYSM - (+ BLOOD DK, FIRE MAGE, PALA. SHADOW PRIEST, WARLOCK, DRUID, MAGE) - TROLL MAGE 85 Min. 1 1 watch_later 1 hr info_outline METAMMO Level 149 558.45USD €af US CATACLYSM - 8585 GS - ILVL 352 - PRE-RAID FULL - ( + DK 8665 GS) - BLOOD ELF MAGE 85 ...
Nerf DW UNholy DK in Phase 3 WoW Classic Cataclysm Classic Discussion Squintxvii-grobbulus May 24, 2023, 11:00pm 61 They fixed blood in the PTR actually will never be as good as UH or Frost except for P6 and ONLY if they’re in full bis (shadowmourne included). Squintxvii-grobbulus ...
Like i keep arguing the Fact: If you want Dual spec THAT badly. go play Retail… There is literally 0 need for it to be in actual TBC Classic… That’s like saying you want the WoW store to come into the game and you can buy all your BiS for like 120$Septic...
Blood Rage And id say thats bare minimum BFA DK Tanking Ability requirements: Blood Boil Death and Decay Heart Strike Death strike…… Thats it 1 Like Solotov-benediction September 28, 2021, 1:32am 3342 Kumasama: Based on what? Based on the fact that most people are typically online ...