Cataclysm Shadow Priest Leveling Build When you hit level 10 you get to pick your specialization (your "spec,") either Discipline, Holy, or Shadow. You will be tied to that one spec until you have spent 31 talent points, after which you can buy talents from the other specs. For the ...
Healing - Unless you just aren't taking damage you should have Recuperate up at all times, especially if you have a Sutlety build (a talent lets your Recuperate restore energy.) Always have the biggest bags you can afford Make an Auction House alt and send anything (that isn't grey) ...
Blood Rage And id say thats bare minimum BFA DK Tanking Ability requirements: Blood Boil Death and Decay Heart Strike Death strike…… Thats it 4 Replies 1 Solotov 210 posts 70 Undead Warrior 0 Sep 2021 Kumasama: Based on what? Based on the fact that most people are typically online in...
Cunning pets are in the middle in terms of DPS and survivability, so depending upon how you talent them, you can go either way. The build posted above is one that emphasizes utility and survivability. This build here is an example of a Cunning BM PvP pet build that brings more damage to...
Hit - the "Balance of Power" talent (Balance) gives you hit rating equal to the spirit on your gear. If you take this talent then spirit on gear is useful, otherwise skip Spirit. Agility, Str - no value Stam for PvP Resilience for PvP Note - at low levels we recommend that you...