Generally, the best DPS classes during WoW Cataclysm have access to every type of tool necessary for solid PvE performance. Cataclysm raid content was made considerably more difficult compared to Wrath of the Lich King. This is why the best classes have strong AOE, consistent damage up-time, a...
Which is the best DPS class and spec to play in WoW Cataclysm Classic? Here we've sorted out the melee and ranged DPS rankings to see which classes stand out in raids and PvP content based on their performance, the utility they bring to the group, and their viability in gener...
Isiset has a mechanic where twice during the fight she splits up into her three abilities the first time, and the ability you kill is removed from the fight while the other two get a buff. When that hit I chose the ability where she summons adds, which seemed like the best call. So...
For Cataclysm, Gnomes have received a new passive called Expansive Mind, allowing them to have a place in many caster-based classes. They also have a few bonuses that best suit them for Rogues. Aside from the mentioned class, they are best paired with Death Knight, Mage, Priest Rogue, War...
TL;DR: Class balance is at it's best right now, in both PvP and PvE. People will always QQ if they consistently get beat by a certain class/player and it will always be that way. Play that class that always beats you and you'll see that they also have a laundry list of strength...
In PvP they will also benefit from Hardiness, one of the best PvP racials in the game! Goblin is also alright if you need extra mobility due to their Rocket Jump, and you will also get 1% extra Haste while playing one. Alliance Shamans will now be able to be Dwarf and while Stone...
Ambushby 30%. This ability is best paired with Shadow Danceor Vanishin order to benefit from the increased 30% damage on your Ambush. Preparation— instantly resets a number of your cooldowns but most importantly your Vanishcool down, utilizing this properly will allow you to have a considerabl...
Instant 85 Cataclysm PvP and PvE, Amazing PvP and PvE Content, Custom Malls, Working BG and Arena, Custom Instances, Balanced Spells and Classes, Custom Transmogrification, Amazing Arena Activities. Listing Stats InOutViews All Time 500087 112639 2427 This Month 0 46 17 2024-12-16 0 0 2 ...
Best BM Hunter PvP Pets Because a good portion of a Beast Master’s damage comes by way of the pet, I find it advisable to use a Ferocity pet. It’s not to say there aren’t other good options for different types of PvP situations, but generally speaking, I feel a Ferocity pet sho...
No dailys. Tabard is best option to get reputation and the quatermaster is located in vashj’ir, inside the Silver Tide Hollow, he’s always here no matter the amount of quests you completed in vashj’ir. Therazane Estimated time: 15-30 minutes ...