Shaman Tank is fun. Should they cancel Cata Classic? No. Should they continue developing SoD and working on future Seasons? Sure. We're all newbs, some are just more newbier than others. Just a burned out hardcore raider turned casual. I'm tired. So very tired. Can I just l...
'WarriorChampion': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorWarrior': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorGladiator': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorProtection': Spec.SpecProtectionWarrior, DeathKnightBlood: Spec.SpecTankDeathknight, DeathKnightLichborne: Spec.SpecTankDeathknight, DeathKnightRuneblade: Spec.SpecDeathknight, DeathKnight...
In SSC/TK/Karazhan/Gruul/Mag, it is a Protection Warrior with failed Stance Requirements, or a Fury/Arms Warrior with more than 20% Defensive Stance (and less than the requirement for Champion). Champion Warrior Champion is the tank role for Arms/Fury Warriors. It requires majority talent po...