SpecFeralTankDruid, 'DruidGuardian': Spec.SpecFeralTankDruid, 'DruidRestoration': Spec.SpecRestorationDruid, 'HunterBeastMastery': Spec.SpecHunter, 'HunterSurvival': Spec.SpecHunter, 'HunterMarksmanship': Spec.SpecHunter, 'MageArcane': Spec.SpecMage, 'MageFire': Spec.SpecMage, 'MageFrost': ...
DPS know how to dps, tanks know how to tank and healers know how to heal. A foreign language does not help or hurt that since no one and I mean no one talks in groups. This game has been around for almost 20 years and since this is classic there is nothing new here. No one ...
is the main tank role for Druids. It requires majority talent points in the Feral talent tree and in BT/Hyjal/ZA it requires you to complete the damage taken requirements found in the Tank Damage Taken Requirements Spreadsheet. SSC/TK/Kara/Gruul/Mag on the other hand goes by a Bear Form...
/rabu sum sort : Enable to sort StatSummary alphabetically, disable to sort according to stat type(basic, physical, spell, tank) /rabu sum avoidhasblock : Enable to include block chance in Avoidance summary, Disable for only dodge, parry, miss ...