'WarriorArms': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorFury': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorChampion': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorWarrior': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorGladiator': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorProtection': Spec.SpecProtectionWarrior, DeathKnightBlood: Spec.SpecTankDeathknight, DeathKnightLichborne: Spec.Spec...
. It requires majority talent points in the Protection tree, and failed damage taken requirements. In SSC/TK/Karazhan/Gruul/Mag, it is a Protection Warrior with failed Stance Requirements, or a Fury/Arms Warrior with more than 20% Defensive Stance (and less than the requirement for Champion)....