Cata Classic Phase 3 Best DPS Classes and How to Choose the Right OneIn Cataclysm Classic Phase 3, the DPS (damage per second) rankings are crucial for players aiming to maximize their performance in raids and dungeons. The tier list for DPS classes is based on various factors, including ra...
MmoGahis the best place to buy Cata Classic boosting to enhance your Cataclysm Classic gaming experience. WoW Cataclysm Boost FAQ Q1: What Are the Efficient Leveling Zones in Cataclysm Classic? Silverpine Forest stands out as a premier leveling zone in Cata Classic, providing players not only wit...
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Sildi's best score on Painsmith Raznal is 7.5k DPS on August 23, 2021. The historical numbers for Sildri's spec show that 95% was 7k DPS and 99% was 8k DPS. This put Sildri halfway between 95% and 99%, so Sildri is assigned a 97% historical ranking. Differing Score Numbers...