GDKP can create an “arms race” effect that encourages participating players to purchase gold to be able to compete for the best items. 2 Tutall <F A T A L I T Y> 263 posts 85 Troll Shaman 9860 Mar 2024 I have used gdkps in every version of classic so far and am in no ...
Core functionality Talent Plan functionality Account for Cata talent orders DPS Specs Affliction Warlock Arcane Mage Arms Warrior Assassination Rogue Balance Druid Beast Mastery Hunter C...
WarriorArms: Spec.SpecWarrior, WarriorFury: Spec.SpecWarrior, WarriorChampion: Spec.SpecWarrior, WarriorWarrior: Spec.SpecWarrior, WarriorGladiator: Spec.SpecWarrior, WarriorProtection: Spec.SpecProtectionWarrior, }; // Spells which imply a specific Race. const racialSpells: Array<{ id: number, nam...
. It requires majority talent points in the Protection tree, and failed damage taken requirements. In SSC/TK/Karazhan/Gruul/Mag, it is a Protection Warrior with failed Stance Requirements, or a Fury/Arms Warrior with more than 20% Defensive Stance (and less than the requirement for Champion)....