Direct contact with secretions Allergens Environmental or dietary Redness of the eyes; may be accompanied by digestive and skin issues None Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Feline coronavirus exposure and mutation of the disease Runny eyes, sneezing, fever, bloated abdomen Other Keratoconjunctivitis Sic...
—which is very common in cats—can also cause bad breath. 2. bloating if a cat has a bloated abdomen, they may simply be getting fat from too many calories. or it can be a sign of fluid buildup from heart disease or cancer . a physical exam by your vet can help steer you to ...
With the symptoms of hacking and then blood there are a few possibilities as to what is going on. It is possible that she has an upper respiratory tract virus. If so, if we can get her to eat then she may pull through this on her own. Some things you can try in order to get he...
One possibility ishyperthyroidism. Cats with this condition will tend to eat well but still lose weight. It is also possible there is a problem with his liver or kidneys. Some of these problems are treatable, but some we can only manage with medications for a short while. ...