Diarrhea & Vomiting Enzymes Probiotics & Prebiotics Cat Supplements & Remedies Shop Cat Products Dog Supplements & Remedies Shop dog products Products (A-Z) Supplements & Remedies All Products A-Z NEED HELP FINDING WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOUR ANIMAL?
Most cats with worms don’t show anysigns of illness: a low level of worms can exist without causing any harm. However, heavy worm burdens of intestinal parasites can cause an infected animal to suffer gastrointestinal upsets (vomitingand/ordiarrhea),weight loss,anemia, a dull coat, poor gene...
The appearance of watery stools in your fur ball can sometimes indicate an infection of the gastrointestinal system. IDB (inflammatory bowel disease) is an immune disorder, and besides diarrhea, its symptoms are weight loss and vomiting. This disease might sound scary, but it’s treatable. Some ...
Typically these cause chronic vomiting and diarrhea. These disorders are collectively known as Feline Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Feline IBD). In most cases, Feline IBD can be controlled using a combination of dietary management and medication, but IBD is rarely cured....
Diarrhea in cats is usually a sign of parasites, viral disease, or inflammatory bowel disease. That said, if your cat has soft stools but a normal appetite and no vomiting, try a bland diet for a few days. Bland diets are low in fat and fiber, and they’re easily digestible. A ...
Depending on the type of worm, and the extent of the infestation the parasites can make your pet quite ill. You should always keep an eye open for possible signs that everything is not right. Possible signs and symptoms of worms: Vomiting Change in appetite Diarrhea Bloated stomach Blood in...
Vomiting 5. Hyperthyroidism 6. Diabetes 7. Diarrhea 8. Lymphoma 9. Upper respiratory... Read More Holistic Pet Health Cats, According to Two Holistic Veterinarians By Jean Hofve DVM Recently Dr. Jean did an interview with her pal, Dr. Judy Morgan, on Dr. Judy's radio program. ...
Vomiting Diarrhea Swollen lymph nodes Neurological malfunction (falling over, weaving strangely when walking) Red eyes, possibly with discharge If your cat displays any of these symptoms, please seek veterinary care as quickly as possible. WhileBartonellais rarely lethal to cats, it’s an unpleasant...
A homemade raw meat cat food diet will help to maintain the pH acidic environment necessary for their digestion and absorption of calcium. The acidic environment stimulates the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes; this maintains pancreatic health and prevents atrophy of this important organ. The st...
Diarrhea (may contain blood) Vomiting (may contain blood) Dehydration. Do cats feel love when you kiss them? It may seem like kissing would be anatural display of affectionfor our cats since that's what we typically do with the humans we feel romantic love towards. ... While many cats ...