A swollen cat paw can be a sign of an injury, a disease, a sting, a bite, or an infection. Your cat will likely protect the paw, lick it excessively, or avoid bearing weight on the painful foot. If your kitty will let you examine them, you may be able to identify the problem an...
Hi, My Yorkie's left eye is squinting; it looks like she can't open it. She has... (28547 views) Swollen paw pad. Max has had a swollen pad(front paw...the one further up the leg) for about a week... (18541 views)See all questions...Veterinarian...
His left back foot is swollen and his paw. Ever since it was swollen he has been really mean.What do i need to do to treat this swollen foot and paw?Dr. Marie replied:The vast majority of the time if a cat has a swollen foot it is because there is infection present. If there ...
Signs vary depending on the location and extent of the tumor. Bad breath, reluctance to eat, and excessive drooling are common. If the back of the mouth and throat are involved, swallowing may be difficult. The tumors frequently ulcerate and bleed. The animal’s face may become swollen as...
I had to take him to an after-hours vet. They determined that he’s extremely bruised and swollen. His abdomen especially was affected. I paid the bill. Which made me gasp. But I paid it and then when I got home and had decompressed with Bentley. I went and did my numbers and real...
It's like when humans get a nerve pinch in the wrist and you whip your hand back and forth after except she gets them in a left side front or back paw and she licks and digs til the foot pad is swollen and inflamed and she can't walk on it. This was back 5 yrs ago when she...
The pad of his foot was swollen and I could see they cut his nails (I did not ask them to). You cannot see the nail at all. I think they cut it too short and they are not owning up to it. They asked that we return so they could give him pain meds...and they charged me!
Large lymph nodes in a cat.My cat Miko seems to have swollen lymph nodes under her neck. They've been like that...(47360 views) Cut cat's skin while grooming.Help Dr. Marie! While cutting away a clump of matted hair from behind my kitty's...(46282 views) ...
Veterinary News Blog About View Questions Quizzes Species: Cat Breed: DSH Age: 5-8 years I took in a stray that was living in a garage since his was little for years and was alwasy healthy. The guy that took care of him retired and dumped him on me. He didn't take to a new ho...
Lucy has had steroid injections for the last 18 months due to loss of fur and skin infections.I took her to the vet last Friday and was told that she had several small hard lumps on her kidneys.These were probably cancerous and it would be best to put her to sleep.If left her end...