The album is also available to preorder in multiple formats on Stevens' website now."Looking at the jagged journey of my music, beginning as I did in the '60s, I would say this new record is a mosaic," Stevens said in a statement. "A very clearly defined description of where I've ...
4 JUNE 2024 (TORONTO, ON) – Since 2020, Yusuf / Cat Stevens’ iconic 1970s albums have steadily been lovingly remastered and reissued in celebration of their enduring popularity more than a half century later. Now, following acclaimed multi-format reissues for Mona Bone Jakon, Tea for the ...
Except will definitely not be a tour in the usual sense and is set to incorporate Yusuf’s timeless hits such as Wild World, Father & Son and The First Cut Is The Deepest, alongside music from his highly acclaimed new albums, An Other Cup and Roadsinger. To make it e...
reuniting Stevens with Paul Samwell-Smith, the producer of his landmark, multi-platinum albums Tea For The Tillerman (1970) and Teaser And The Firecat (1971), as well as continuing his creative partnership with long-time guitarist Alun Davies. Long overdue for re-evaluation, Back To Earth is...
The singer-songwriter who took the stage name Cat Stevens earned eight gold or platinum albums in the 1970s, before turning his back on the music world when he became a Muslim, changing his name to Yusuf Islam. It would be years before he picked up a guitar again. ...
Stevens released 50th anniversary editions of his albums Mona Bone Jakon and Tea for the Tillerman in 2020. The Teaser and the Firecat 50th anniversary set arrives Nov. 12 and is available for pre-order now. A full track list can be found below....
On the chart for New Year’s Day, 1972, Stevens debuted with“Morning Has Broken,”an attractive version of the Christian hymn published in 1931, with lyrics by English writer Eleanor Farjeon to the Scottish Gaelic tune “Bunessan.” The new rendition featured the elegant piano playing ofYes...
Genesis Publications and Yusuf / Cat Stevens will publish a signed limited edition book, tentatively titled,Cat Stevens, 1970-'71. The book will feature lyrics, photographs, illustrations and the recollections of Yusuf / Cat Steven, celebrating three ground-breaking albums:Mona Bone...
The Village Waitand Stewart’sZero She Fliesbefore joining Stevens’ band as a recording and touring member. He played on seven consecutive Stevens albums, from 1971’sTeaser and the Firecatthrough 1978’sBack to Earth. READ MORE:Top 10 Cat Stevens Songs ...
Reynolds adds, “One of my first albums was a Cat Stevens record when I was a boy. His lyrics moved me and inspired me to forge my own ‘rails’ to create meaningful picture books for all ages. “Peace Train”s powerful message is more important than ever, and I’m beyond honored to...