Leave a comment on The .Gif Friday Post No. 862 – Slo-Mo Dog Derp, Cat Derp Triggers & Do The Gavin The Animorphs of めーちっさい [Figurines by Japanese sculptor めーちっさい (or Mechissai, Mecchisae, Meetissai, translates to Very Small) found here. He’s also got a book....
Machine learning, facial recognition, and AI are standing testament to human ingenuity and innovation. The technology wasn't publicly available until recently, and the first thing we do with it make porn. Thanks to a Reddit user /u/deepfakes, people are now creatingAI-assisted face-swap porn,...
In early 2014, Luís Oliveira and myself moved SLIME to Github and set up its Travis CI system. I brought in the old bug reports from the Launchpad tracker, fixed long-standing problems and submitted many changes, particularly to the under-curated but popular "contrib" section. Now, the ...
I looked out the window, hoping to spot that train, looking up just in time, I spot the last trace of the train, putting me in perspective about just how fast we were going. When I headed back to my seat to gather my stuff, we were about to reach the station. “We will be ...
’s cuddly creations are little bundles of joy. From farmyard friends and jungle runners to smiley fruits and vegetables, each character is packed with personality and makes for a bright-eyed addition to line-ups of play-ready teddies. Perched on the desk, snuggled up in the crib or tagging...
暹罗猫GIF:猫猫快速打拳 叶子素材 1年前 用户_882269 4个月前 本文Mario : 贴纸星(Paper Mario: Sticker Star)/杂项(Miscellaneous) 466张 摇摆的柳枝 好奇的房子里没有猫的照片(Curious House Cat Free Photo) 灵巧的暹罗猫图片-第3张 綻放 1年前 ...
Two men are standing at the urinal, doing their business, when one starts to strike up a conversation. "Excuse me, sir, do you happen to be Jewish?" "Yes, indeed I am." "And do you happen to be from Krakow?" "Yes, how do you know?" "And you always went to the little synago...
In 2013, SLIME development was stalling, patches and issues rotting. In early 2014, Luís Oliveira and myself moved SLIME to Github and set up its Travis CI system. I brought in the old bug reports from the Launchpad tracker, fixed long-standing problems and submitted many changes, particula...
That said, I saw a Girls Frontline LP on here and Arknights is primarily made up of former devs from that game, so it's thematic in a way. Lord knows I don't expect anyone to do a Fate/Grand Order or Granblue Fantasy LP anytime soon, at least. I am down for it though because...
Öffne und teile dieses GIF catfight, stehend, stehen, mit allen, die du kennst. Größe 250 x 269 px. Die GIF wurde von erstellt. Lade die beliebtesten GIFs kater, katze, tiere, stands, animals, auf GIFER.com herunter.