San Antonio, Diocese of San Carlos de Ancud San Francisco San Gallo San Jose de Costa Rica San Juan San Leon del Amazonas San Luis Potosi San Marco and Bisignano San Marino San Martino al Cimino San Miniato San Salvador San Salvador (2nd entry) San Sepolcro, Piero da San Severino San Sev...
As the Spaniards named one part of America - Mexico - Nueva España (New Spain), we speak of "the Spains", in the plural, to signify the Spanish possessions. I. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND STATISTICS The geographical boundaries of Spain are: on the north, the Pyrenees, the Republic of...
Extends well west into New Mexico, whose eastern boundary is right up against San Antonio.Many differences from the rarer 1839 issue, including the substitution of the signing of the Declaration for facsimile signatures, addition of portraits of Harrison and Tyler to earlier presidents, and the ...