Altar (n)/alter (v) The woman placed the cat upon thealtarof her shrine. The psychopathalteredthe bear’s skin so that he could wear it. Bazaar (n)/Bizarre (adj) Scruffy had spent his whole kittenhood selling silk scarves at thebazaar, and no one could haggle better than him. “Psh!
From my experience with the Shrine of the Useless Eaters and half a century of working with spirit-like-entities ranging from classical gods and demons to the likes of John Constantine – while never quite believing in them, treating them as an interface to the unknowable Wyrd – I would sug...
Women came during the year to pray for a good marriage, and for a child, at the nagarkallus (snake shrine). An Indian beech at the snake shrine was tied with sacred threads. The base of the shrine was surrounded by several small cradles, fertility offerings to the snake god. Snake shri...
“Families facilitate the return of the souls to Earth by laying flower petals, candles and offerings along the path leading from the cemetery to their homes. The deceased’s favorite dishes are prepared and placed around the home shrine and the tomb alongside flowers and typical handicrafts, suc...
And here we pause with reverent eye,With silent tongue and awe-struck soul;For here we sense life's proper goal;To be like these, straight, true and fine,To make our world, like theirs, a shrine;Sink down, oh traveler, on your knees,God stands before you in these trees. ...
that I’m not a very good 24 hour a day husband. I’m more of like a two hours in the morning four hours in the evening kind of good husband. Still, I’ve managed not to strangle her and deposit her dismembered body parts off I-88 near the Auriesville shrine, so there’s that...
It so happens that the work which is likely to be our most durable monument, and to convey some knowledge of us to the most remote posterity, is a work of bare utility; not a shrine, not a fortress, not a palace, but a bridge.Writing upon the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge, New ...
A new foundation has begun at the Marian Shrine in Liche?, Poland, which the Marians administer. For further information (in English, no less!), you can check out this website started by the sisters in Poland: The Annunciade. Posted in Catholic News, Saints and Blesseds ...
(25) | Draw (140) | Founder (26) | Great (1610) | Island (49) | Knowledge (1647) | Love (328) | Master (182) | Memory (144) | More (2558) | Person (366) | Pilgrimage (4) | Repute (3) | Revere (2) | Saint (17) | Shrine (8) | Thousand (340) | Wish (216) |...
The cold chaste Moon, the Queen of Heaven’s bright isles,Who makes all beautiful on which she smiles!That wandering shrine of soft, yet icy flame,Which ever is transformed yet still the same,And warms, but not illumines. — Percy Shelley ...