Cat scratch disease (CSD), also known as cat scratch fever or subacute regional lymphadenitis, is a bacterial infection affecting lymph nodes that drain the sites of inoculation. Bartonella henselae, a gram-negative rod, is considered the principal etiologic agent. [1, 2] CSD is one of the ...
Cat Scratch Fever Symptoms Cat Scratch Fever Diagnosis 8 min read What Is Cat Scratch Fever? Cat scratch fever or cat scratch disease is an infection caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae. You usually get this disease when an infected cat licks an open wound on your skin or bites or...
Cat scratch disease(CSD)is a worldwide distributed zoonosis caused by Bartonella henselae and other Bartonella spp.The reservoirs of Bartonella are domestic animals,especially cats,and the transmission to humans is thought to occur from a cat scratch or even through the cat flea Ctenocephalides ...
Free Essay: CAT-SCRATCH DISEASE Overview Cat scratch fever is also called cat scratch disease (CSD), it is a bacterial infection. The infection takes its...
Symptoms in Humans to Watch For The moniker “cat scratch fever” does refer to the fact that this is how the infection is transmitted. Anything that can break the skin, whether it’s a playful swat or an angry bite, can transmit the disease. ...
The symptoms of cat scratch disease in humans may include: Fatigueor always feeling tired Swollen lymph nodesnear the site of bite or scratch Skin bumps orblistersat the site of bite or scratch Worsening headache Low-grade fever Lesser known symptoms of the disease: ...
Cat-scratch disease typically presents with various ocular manifestations such as uveitis, vitritis, retinitis, retinochoroiditis, and optic neuritis. However, fundus nodular lesions was rarely reported. In our study, we reported a case of Cat-Scratch disease with binocular fundus nodular lesions. Ca...
s the message from a new report issued by the centers for disease control and prevention . in the report, the cdc breaks down cat-scratch disease, a potentially life-threatening illness people can get from their cats, and warns against ignoring its symptoms. cat-scratch disease is caused by...
Cat-scratch disease Cat-scratch disease is a subacute infection of the skin,soft tissuesand regionallymph nodescaused byBartonella henselae. Fig. 10.221.(a)Scratch on the left cheek, inflicted by a cat, and cervicallymphadenopathy.(b)A line of papules on the forearm of another patient at the...
586 Words 3 Pages Open Document Treatments for cat scratch disease By Jonas Wilson, Ing. Med. Transmitted by the bite or scratch of a cat and occasionally by fleas or ticks, cat scratch disease (CSD) is a common bacterial infection. It is caused by Bartonella henselae and has a high pre...