Cat Repellent Expert is a one-stop shop for thebest information on humanely deterring catsfrom your garden or other areas in need of protection. You might be a bird lover, desperate to protect your little visitors from being preyed upon by a stalking moggy? Perhaps you’re a dog owner fed...
Advantages of Using Cat Repellent You’re busy. Let’s be honest, there’s plenty of things you’d rather be doing than playing neighbour watch all day. Sitting around waiting for the neighbours cat to strike is enough to drive anyone mad. Installing acat repellent devicein your garden is ...
Repellent Plants for Cats: Lavender Rue Rosemary Pennyroyal Lemon thyme These plants are completely non-toxic for cats, but they don’t like to be around them either. These plants are gorgeous additions to any garden, so it’s really a win-win for you. 2. Use Citrus Smells Cats typically...
The unique selling point of the Guardener 2.0 Animal Repellent lies in it’s dual function repeller technology, pressurized water and ultrasonic sound. With adjustable sensitivity and adjustable range the Guardener 2.0 can be set up to work efficiently in most garden environments. Additionally this ...
Shop Electronic Repellents » Expert Tips Spraying and yowling are signs of un-fixed feral cats in your area. The best solution to decrease these nuisance habits is to participate in a local Trap-Neuter-Return program. Learn more here » Prevent cats from digging in your garden by coveri...
Cat Repellent: To start with, I do not hate cats but I love birds. In my garden we have some open cages where birds can enter and leave as they please. They can find food and water there. Unfortunately sometimes a cat from the neighborhood enters my gard
Electronic Cat Repellent Devices for Outdoors Outdoor units are available for garden and yard intruders, such as feral or stray cats, as well as other animals. You can also use them to keep your own cat out of your garden or areas of your yard. ...
Garden multifunction anti electric device motion detector repellent ultrasonic speaker bird dog cat bark control Specificate Name solar and battery ultrasound speaker animal repeller power supply 4 x 2/3 AA Rechargeable Batteries Solar Panel Vol...
Buy Rowyig Solar Animal Repellent Waterproof Motion Sensor Outdoor Flashing Light Deterrent Device for Deer, Raccoon, Cat, and More at
Outdoor Garden Hanging Fly Insect Control Lid Bee Catcher Cap Wasp Bottle Trap Cover US$0.98 / Piece Indoor Home Strong Durable Mouse Trash Bag Squirrel Control Rodent Repellent Bag US$100.00 / Piece Outdoor Indoor Hanging UV Mosquito Repellent Trap Elec...