Diving deeper intoCAT Quant Syllabus The Quantitative Aptitude section is the most robust section in terms of something that can give you a definitive syllabus. Do not fret looking at the enormous list of topics listed below. Following the Pareto principle, a collection of a few key topics can...
Quant i f i ab I e : A quant i f i ab Ie benefit i s a benefit where there i s sufficient cred i b I e evidence to suggest, i n advance, how much benef i t w i I I resu 11 from the project. Th i s benef i t may be f i nanc i a I or non-financial. For ...
[datawhalechina/pumpkin-book](https://github.com/datawhalechina/pumpkin-book) | 《机器学习》(西瓜书)公式推导解析,在线阅读地址:https://datawhalechina.github.io/pumpkin-book | 9.8k | - | 11/12 | | 101 | [hollischuang/toBeTopJavaer](https://github.com/hollischuang/toBeTopJavaer) | To Be...
Ben also created the Space Elevator Feasibility Condition, a paper that quantifies tether strength and Climber power requirements in a rigorous manner, giving others a baseline to work for. He’s also given multiple talks on the Space Elevator, provided a sanity check to space elevator ...
qplum.co was at a supposed quant conference claiming he had the greatest returns (at the youngest age) of any Tower partner. I was skeptical. For reference the same conference had a bloomberg guy claiming sharpe >5 to a twitter signal (whoops, trading costs not included. Wtf) 2-3 years...
qplum.co was at a supposed quant conference claiming he had the greatest returns (at the youngest age) of any Tower partner. I was skeptical. For reference the same conference had a bloomberg guy claiming sharpe >5 to a twitter signal (whoops, trading costs not included. Wtf) 2-3 years...
So if flocks of "counters" or "quants" did poorly in the recent selloff, it may not be because counting or quant research is a flawed concept. It may because the researchers are not giving an honest day's work for their pay. They are pretending to do research. Their version of the ...