Cat sees a mat. She has a dream. She dreams of being on the team. 小猫看见了一个体操垫 她有个梦想 ——代表队伍参加比赛 Cat may be small, but she is strong. She works and works all summer long. 小猫可能看上去很小,但她十分强壮...
这套绘本分成三个section,每个section里面有20本书,今天和大家分享的是CVC结构的单词拼读绘本,可作为三年级下册第一单元的拓展读物。 教材 链接 PEP2 Unit1 A Let's spell 绘本 内容收录于合集 #PEP主题绘本 127个 上一篇【PEP教...
对于“cat on the mat”这样的简单标题,直译可能已足够清晰;但在处理更复杂的文本时,意译可能更能体现原文的风格和情感。因此,翻译者需要根据具体情况灵活选择翻译方法。 “cat on the mat”绘本的故事背景及主题 “cat on the mat”绘本以其简洁明了的标题和生动的...
今天这本绘本的名字叫做Cat on the Mat,仍然是来自兰登分级阅读绘本Step into reading的第二级。从绘本的封面上,我们不仅能看到一只在平衡木上的老鼠,还有从空中漂亮落地的小猫。哈哈,原来小猫正在垫子上跳自由体操呢! 好了,话不多说,我们就一起来看看绘本摘选吧!另外,绘本还有一首超级好听的绘本歌曲,大家也来听...
Cat sees a mat. She has a dream. She dreams of being on the team. 小猫看见了一个体操垫 她一直有个梦想 ——代表队伍参加比赛 Cat may be small, but she is strong. She works and works all summer long. 小猫可能看上去很小,但她十分强壮 ...
They watch TV.They take a walk.This looks like fun.Rat wants to try.Cat isn't sure.She feels too shy.Cat hangs around.She's in the way.She wonders what to do all day.The coach is nice to Cat and Rat.He lets them tumble on the mat.完整版点赞�关注获取 更多全部...
09:4519. Cat on the mat Charlene 18次播放 07:1120. Barn storm Charlene 23次播放 03:5821. Monster parade Charlene 20次播放 08:0522. A Monster is Coming! Charlene 22次播放 06:0623. Snow Wonder Charlene 16次播放 08:5224. All stuck up Charlene 14次播放 45:0925. Bears big ideas Charle...
绘本《Cat on the Mat(Step into reading L2)》,Penguin 绘本内容 Cat has a dream. She runs. She flips. She jumps. She slips. Will Cat make the team? VIP会员查看更多完整内容。 微信搜索「布克船长亲子故事」,关注领取价值128元VIP会员的3天体验期。
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绘本原音Fatcaton the mat Fat Cat sees a bee. 肥猫看见一只蜜蜂。 BUZZ BUZZ BUZZZ Fat Cat flees up a tree. "I don't like bees!" yelps Fat Cat. 肥猫跳上一颗树,尖叫着: “ 我不喜欢蜜蜂!” “I don't like bees and I don't like trees.” ...