Trying hard to look for some outstanding Russian Blue cat names? No worries, we’ve got you covered! We came up with 100exotic cat namessplit between bothmalesandfemales! Let’s dive in and check them out, shall we? Jump To 50 Russian Blue Cat Names for Males 50 Russian BLue Cat Name...
This complete list of twin cat names is perfect for any pair of cats. We have included names for male, female, and cross-gender duos. Read on for great names from cartoons, TV, movies, music, and more! Top Male Twin Cat Names Here is a list of our favorite name ideas for a pair ...
Other common names they are known by are Humbug catfish, Chocolate Catfish, Striped Talking Catfish, Striped Dora, and Southern Striped Raphael Catfish.For many years, until sorted out by Piorski et al in late 2008, the Striped Raphael Catfish was ms-identified as Platydoras costatus. But ...
Poets and writers.Another take on literary names for cats is to consider the names of well-known writers and poets. Consider Edith (Wharton), Mark (Twain), Ralph Waldo Emerson (you get three names in one), Louisa May (Alcott), Harper Lee, and Truman (Capote), among many others. Politi...
Males aren’t the only ones that havecool, famous names. There are several famous female mischievous names, and we listed the top 10 that would be perfect for your mischievous female kitty. Take a look below. Image by: tovsla, Shutterstock ...
About Find Cat Names Founded in March 2014, Find Cat Names provides a fun, interactive experience for new cat owners looking for just the right pet name. The site allows users to sort names by preferred style and interests. More than 2 million people use Find Cat Names each year when pick...
They were the only true affection of this pragmatic politician, that is why so much is known about his cats, not only their names. There was Richelieu’ favourite Soumise (mea... 30 May Pussy Riot Do you know what it is pussy riot? At the end of wintertime those of us cats, who...
Celebrating cats with articles, facts, photos, games, postcards, posters, collectables, and biographies. Cat names, too!
Firstly, "Tom" refers to a male cat. The use of "Tom" to represent a male cat can be traced back to medieval Europe, where cats were given localized names. "Tom" may have originated from the common male name Thomas because in ancient times, people believed that cats, like males, poss...
The Singapura is the smallest domestic cat breed, with adult females weighing as little as four pounds while males can top out at just eight pounds. This breeds size isn’t the only notable physical characteristic, they are known for their saucer-sized eyes outlined in black, oversized ears,...