那么,“梗”用英语该怎么说呢?可以翻译成“meme”,学术一点的中文翻译是“模因”,它指的是在互联网上迅速传播的概念(或图像、视频等),比如这次的“猫税”。因此,我们平时说的表情包或者小视频段子,也可以说“meme”。 Take a look at the top ten inte...
LOLcats is the best place to find and submit funny cat memes and other silly cat materials to share with the world. We find the funny cats that make you LOL so that you don't have to.
This cat is shocked to find out that he’s about to experience something really unpleasant. This is a famous meme that is used when someone feels fairly convinced that they’ve just taken one up the tailpipe. It’s one of the more popular memes that tells the world how you’re feeling...
LOLcats is the best place to find and submit funny cat memes and other silly cat materials to share with the world. We find the funny cats that make you LOL so that you don't have to.
How do you know you've made it in showbusiness? When you become a meme!That's right, these Hollywood stars have earned their internet immortality thanks to one pivotal scene that defined their character and reflected the voice of a generation.Hollywood Stars: Take your place in history, ...
She knew the camera was on her and gave so many memeable moments that I can’t wait to see what the Internet does in the next couple of days. The pro-Harris attendees, many in business and cocktail attire, headed into the debate confident that Harris would run circles around ...
You need photo shop to convert.I use Coral pro x8.Adobes are good but very expensive. User rated ★★★(nice feet) BackInBlack60 Member since 09/2010 2015-12-16 04:48:48 NO YOU DON'T! Unless you're independently wealthy. There are a shitload of free programs that'll do it, incl...
QAC 79 – The Neverending Queer-y: My Queer Ace Journey || LGBT YouTube & COPPA January 4, 2020/No Comments inspired by an old blog post and a New Year's meme, i decided to document the last decade of my journey re: identity as a #Black, #Queer, #Nonbinary & #Asexual person ...
Singing Cat Birthday Meme Pin It Cake It Up Pin It Just Another Year Closer To Being That Crazy Cat Lady Pin It I Got You A Present Pin It Wish You A Great Day Pin It It’s Your Birthday Pin It Have A Purrrrfect Day Pin It ...
China’s marketing landscape is becoming increasingly localized this year, striking a delicate balance between genuinely understanding GenZ and overdoing it. Spend over 5 minutes on social media anywhere in the world, and you’ll see a funny video involving a cat (a “meme”). But in China, ...