超级猫里奥采用了类似于超级玛丽玩法来打造的敏捷类游戏,英文名为“cat mario”或是“syobon action”。通过横版操作的方式让一只站立的小猫不断参与到各种关卡当中。在这一挑战过程中会遇到不同的障碍,需要躲避或是击退它们,获取随机出现的道具能大大提高通关成功率。在这个合集中收录了1-3部的catmario以及其它特色...
Cat Mario 4 Japan style game online features a protagonist with a facial likeness to a cat except walks upright like a human. This based on the world famous Super Mario 64 game
The gameplay of Cat Mario is similar to that of Super Mario Bros, but with a twist. The main objective of the game is to guide the character, a white cat with a red bowtie, through a series of levels filled with traps, obstacles, and enemies. However, unlike Super Mario Bros, Cat ...
本吧热帖: 1-哎,看到大佬们都走了,有点心酸 2-求这里如何过 3-【catmario9关版】BUGBUGBUG 4-【TAS-PC】Catmario 5-8关 最速通关:2分10秒7 正式发布! 5-猫里奥吧乌烟瘴气,迁移到此吧 6-★欢迎!新人必看★【吧内导航v9 新吧规】【13.9.6】 7-[公告]关于撤销 快乐mario
本吧热帖: 1-哎,看到大佬们都走了,有点心酸 2-求这里如何过 3-【catmario9关版】BUGBUGBUG 4-【TAS-PC】Catmario 5-8关 最速通关:2分10秒7 正式发布! 5-猫里奥吧乌烟瘴气,迁移到此吧 6-★欢迎!新人必看★【吧内导航v9 新吧规】【13.9.6】 7-[公告]关于撤销 快乐mario
本吧热帖: 1-哎,看到大佬们都走了,有点心酸 2-求这里如何过 3-【catmario9关版】BUGBUGBUG 4-【TAS-PC】Catmario 5-8关 最速通关:2分10秒7 正式发布! 5-猫里奥吧乌烟瘴气,迁移到此吧 6-★欢迎!新人必看★【吧内导航v9 新吧规】【13.9.6】 7-[公告]关于撤销 快乐mario
本吧热帖: 1-哎,看到大佬们都走了,有点心酸 2-求这里如何过 3-【catmario9关版】BUGBUGBUG 4-【TAS-PC】Catmario 5-8关 最速通关:2分10秒7 正式发布! 5-猫里奥吧乌烟瘴气,迁移到此吧 6-★欢迎!新人必看★【吧内导航v9 新吧规】【13.9.6】 7-[公告]关于撤销 快乐mario
CAT MARIO Cat Mario onlineis a very cool free game. You are a white cat and you try to go as far as you can but there are enemies trying to stop you. Your only defense is to jump. Preparing... Play Syobon no Action using the cursor keys ← and → to move around the screen, ...