Let’s talk about weird cat noises. There are many adorable clips of cats staring out windows and making this distinctive chattering noise. When most cats chatter, their lower jaw vibrates, which helps give this noise its staccato quality. Chattering is usually heard when a cat is excited (o...
What kind of noises would your ideal cat make? 7/20 Pick an animal that ISN'T a cat: 8/20 Does your ideal cat need to be good with children? 9/20 Pick a cat snack: 10/20 Hair all over the house? 11/20 What size is your ideal cat?
This response is a bit more self-explanatory, but many cats run away whenever you sneeze. That’s because the sneeze startled them, and they fled as a response. As we already mentioned, cats don’t like loud noises. Sneezes, especially very loud ones, can scare cats. Even if the cat ...
Changes in your cat’s behaviors Much like humans, a pregnant cat might display a bunch of behavioral changes that depend on their temperament and personality. Some cats get clingier than usual – super affectionate and cuddly. Others grow more withdrawn –hiding in weird spots around your ...
the cacophony of noises 嘈杂的噪音 Which is exposed to more noise, the city or the countryside? I think urban areas get much more noise because there’s always a lot going on in cities – construction, traffic, home decorations, kids, babies crying, and so on. The countryside, on the ...
He took a picture of the boat, noting the weird color of the water. It looked like pale blue milk. It was so full of sand and silt it had become opaque. Catmandu after the storm, sitting in milky water. Elsewhere, Ian was churning toward the west coast of Florida and gaining ...
they sounded BIG when they were in the woods in my back yard, running/walking/jumping in the brush. Then I heard a few other noises, then saw 2 animal silhouttes from the side shadowed from the moon WAY up in a tree face to face making so many different noises. I heard: grunt...
But when the thing you’re picturing in your mind is your character’s eyes,for the love of cats, say “eyes.”Don’t say “look” or “gaze” or something weird like “scan.” If you use “scan” as a noun, this is what I will picture: ...
I am Princess Kiara, and about a year ago I did something that really upset my human parents. I was in heat and every inch of being wanted out of my home. I was going out of my mind. So I waited for the doorbell to ring and I escaped. For two whole days I panicked my parents...
Anyway, since I began the vote I realized a fatal problem, which is that people aren't coalescing around teams at all, instead everyone's just making up a new team. Which means that in the end we won't actually get a team voted in, we'll get a weird mismatch group of the characte...