I just recently adopted my 2-year-old DSH Black cat and upon bringing her home I noticed her legs were balding. After observing her behavior, I saw that she licks and bites at specific areas on her front and back legs as well as her belly. She's had babies before I adopted her. Sh...
It's not uncommon to have a cat overgroom the legs and belly because of "stress". I say stress in quotes because often these cats live a life that to us looks perfectly stress free. Sometimes putting these cats on some type of anti-anxiety medication such as Amitriptylline or Reconcile...
Cat losing fur on belly.Over the past month my eldest cat has lost a lot of her fur on her belly and back...(92834 views) See all questions... About Dr. Marie Why use an online vet? Dr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She cre...
is uniformly coloured and lacks spots. Dark-tipped hairs cover the body, giving the cat a speckled appearance. The belly is generally lighter than the rest of the body and the throat is pale. The fur is denser on the back compared to the underparts. Its legs sometimes retain some faint ...
On a lap –place your cat on your lap with their back against your belly. Use one arm to restrain them, and the other to either hold the leg being trimmed, or cupping the head to keep the trimmer safe. If your cat is highly anxious and lashes out at you with sharp claws whenever ...
Instead, you can see and feel an obvious rounding of the belly and extensive fat deposits around their belly, lower back, face and legs. Sadly, obese cats are at risk for a wide range of health issues that may shorten their lives – so it’s important to take cat obesity seriously....
On a lap– place your cat on your lap with their back against your belly. Use one arm to restrain them, and the other to either hold the leg being trimmed, or cupping the head to keep the trimmer safe. If your cat is highly anxious and lashes out at you with sharp claws whenever ...
Cats’ fur tends to vary in thickness depending on the body part it’s covering: it's shorter around the head and paws and gets thicker and longer in the body, especially on the belly and tail. Use small strokes to indicate texture. Also notice how the skin behaves on the animal depe...
with thinner stripes branching off down the sides of the body. This pattern resembles the skeleton of a fish, hence the name. The stripes are generally uniform, giving these tabbies their sleek and athletic look. Mackerel Tabbies also have spots on their belly, adding a playful touch to their...
The coat of the shorthaired Burmilla has a silky texture. Longhairs are dressed for the ball in a fine, silky, medium-length coat with ear tufts, furnishings (a fringe of fur on the legs, chest and belly), and a fully plumed tail. ...