Grumpy Cat, whose naturally grouchy expression captured the internet’s heart and spawned millions of memes, merch items, and a Lifetime movie, has passed away at age seven.“Despite care from top professionals, as well as from her very loving family, Grumpy encountered complications from a ...
Banana Cat Heart Happy Cat Elbow Cat Apple Cat Lecture Cat Wet Cat Sleeping Cat Laughing Dog Physics-defying Cat Cat Punch Crazy-eyed Cat Happy Yonezu Screaming Cat Head-holding Cat Sobbing Cat Surprised Cat Typing Cat Biker Cat Hungry Cat DJ Cat Soulful Cat Hodomoeshi City Cat Scratching Cat...
- Banana Cat Heart - Happy Happy Cat - Elbow Cat - Apple Cat - Lecture Cat - Wet Cat - Sleeping Cat - Laughing Dog - Physics-defying Cat - Cat Punch - Crazy-eyed Cat - Happy Yonezu - Screaming Cat - Head-holding Cat - Sobbing Cat ...
You’ve seen the “Woman Yelling at Cat” memes. They’ve made you laugh time and again. You’re thumbs have double-tapped a thousand different versions. Now, meet the feline star inspiring humorous minds everywhere. @smudge_lord/Instagram Smudge, or Sm
推荐理由:“回家路上,一起被Oiia Oiia Cat硬控15秒吧。” 一段名为Oiia Oiia Cat的迷因(memes)正在全世界爆红,这是一只在绿色背景上“旋转”的猫。它有着平静、无所谓的表情以及胖胖的身体和短短的四肢,与高速的旋转动作形成了鲜明对比。 Oiia Oiia Cat原版照片 Oiia Oiia Cat的主角是一只叫Ethel的猫...
Oiia Oiia Cat的主角是一只叫Ethel的猫,今年已经13岁了,Ethel生活在俄亥俄州,2018年被现在的主人领养,是一只眼睛失明和失去全部牙齿的猫婆婆。“没人想要这只又胖又盲的小猫,所以我收养了它。”虽然Ethel看不到这个世界,但它以meme的形式走遍了互联网,成为当下的流行文化之一。
happy cat meme sticker tshirt illustration paintmemes cat paws with a heart cute illustration with lettering text happy cat day 8th of august isolated on blue backgroundNEW 8thaugust happy cat smiling cat happycat happy cat decoration illustration cat drawingrat drawing happy cat and dog toget...
Girls on 4chan will post photos of themselves on /b/, usually holding up a piece of paper (or sometimes drawing directly on their bodies with a Sharpie) that reads something along the lines of “APRIL 5TH, 4:47PM Sup /b/” in order to prove the authenticity of the photo. ...
The next day, after I’ve been ugly crying and holding Striker like I can somehow physically ward off his death if I hold him tightly enough, I get another call from the vet. Super chill this time. No protein in the urine, things are great. They know Striker is food picky so if he...
The final shard is on the beaches below the level. Jump down and look for a small fence inside a rock holding up the lighthouse. Use the cat suit to climb to the gate, wait for it to rotate, then claim the last cat shine shard. ...