If I said anything about it, she hissed at me too. Looking back, she had plenty of flaws that didn't involve the cats, but those demons were really the reason I pulled the plug. Amber: Sounds like the feline overlords got exactly what they wanted, John....
hissed an unfamiliar voice. Isis looked up and saw a cat’s face peering over the top of her locker. She got the shock of her life when the cat said: “It’s me, Katie.” Isis turned white. “I swapped bodies – and voices – with...
They did that little nose-touch thing, you know, the boop, and then – BAM – Whiskers hissed at Mittens! I was like,… Read More CAT BOX Litter Box Games? What to Do When Your Cat Keeps Playing in Litter Jasper3 days ago03 mins Okay, so, picture this: I walked into the ...
hissed at me and then it’s tail went up and it’s furr stood up and I shut the door and it tried to attack me through the door and it kept smashing to the door so I said stop on it and then my cat kept trying to attack me too then on facbok someone posted and said I ...
Eric looked at me inquiringly, and I jokingly stated that my cat lived here before him, so he probably needed to get along with whoever was here first. But when Erik tried to take a step forward, Gandalf hissed and sl...
After a while, daddy took us to vetting in but it wasn’t our breeder, Sue, like it usually is (she was at a different show). It was a man vet! 😯 Spike decided he didn’t like him very much and actually hissed at him! Can you believe it? I don’t think I’ve ever heard...
She constantly hissed and growled at the new cat even after a month. As soon as we plugged in our diffuser, the two cats were sitting less than a foot apart and fairly relaxed. By Sakkara Queens, NY Feliway is great! April 2, 2016 I adopted 2 cats a week apart whom were ...
hissed even when barely looked upon. It was easy to tell that this cat had secrets and something to hide. I even had an animal communicator talk to her because I could not get into this cat's mind to see what would make her happy. Penelope just wouldn't share with me although she ...
“snow Bengal” for 100 dollars. I’ve emailed back and forth with the person including them cursing at me that it was a Bengal. Is there anyway you could tell me. I have pictures of the cat but I’m sure it’s a tabby cat. They showed me pictures of supposedly is the first ...
Even though she hissed at the vet tech haha You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Link Latest Posts Good bye, Big Boy! Latest: iPappy 9 minutes ago Crossing the Bridge Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!