Having said that, there are situations where I’d be willing and eager to put a box in my kitchen or bathroom. If my cat was experiencing stress, having issues with another cat in my home, or peeing or pooping outside the box, I’d adjust my preferences to try and resolve the situat...
Build your relationship with your cat while having fun! Train Your Cats Real Solutions For Real Cat Behavior Problems Joey can help with most behavior concerns, including severe ones. Common behavior problems we see: Aggression, tension, and fighting between cats Peeing, pooping, or spraying out...
Hi Dr. Marie, The last time I emailed you (about a year ago), our cat, Keane, was having diarrhea problems. That cleared up after a little while...
Another issue is when the dog is always told off, he or she may construe this as disapproval from his owner and may become depressed. Having a new dog can make him also feel jealous. Another issue is if you moved to a new place and he finds this place too scary. Symptoms of Depress...
But the worst part… and I just couldn't get over it… the dog would jump up on the bed when we were having sex. Sorry for TMI but he'd even stick his nose in between us mid-deed and sniff! One time I felt the dog lick my thigh and I LOST IT. [Name redacted] acted like ...
A very effective deterrent is a motion activated sprinkler, they’re not that expensive and animals will scat as soon as the water starts. Each time a critter comes into range, the sprinkler will automatically turn on. If you can’t find one locally, they are listed on Amazon. ...
Has she been pooping less frequently, or having smaller than normal size BMs? If it turns out to be some clogging, a vet can perform an on-the-spot anal expression, whereby he/she simply squeezes out the gunk collecting in the glands. Feeby wasn't "impressed" with the procedure, but...
Is it too high where it is hard to get into? Have you switched up the litter? Number Of Litter Boxes It is best to have one extra litterbox than you have cats, so if you have two cats, we would recommend having at least 3 litterboxes in the house! Sometimes like humans, cats don...
First of all i want to make it perfectly clear that my cat has been to the vet and is taking medicine for a problem, however the peeing and pooping in inappropriate places is still going on and according to the vets “might not stop until its fixed” also they have a litter robot (...
When I have a case like this where a cat is having problems like this that are lasting more than 24 hours, what I usually want to do is keep the cat in the hospital for 2-4 days. During this time I give intravenous fluids. The fluids really help to sort of "lubricate his insides...