Has your litter gotten more dusty-could you switch to a no dust brand, which given her sneezing might not be a bad idea anyway to help her airways. Speaking of, to maybe ease the airway irritation can you put her in the bathroom and run a steamy shower, 10 minutes 2-3 times a day...
Although some people avoid cats because they fear or dislike them, there is some hope for those who avoid cats because of fear ofallergic reactions. A lot will depend on the nature of your allergies. If yours are of the sneezing, watery eyes, and running nose variety, you may be able t...
results in the inhalation of dust and debris and subsequent sneezes. A ferret's sneeze, which is very loud and sounds like a combination of a cough and a sneeze, may be alarming to its owner. Unless sneezing is frequent or associated with other clinical signs, owners need not be concerned...
The reason I ask is our cat did some hacking (again, no sneezing) and coughing, and when you mentioned he had a hard time recovering and was breathing with his mouth open a bit, this is our cat during a mild asthma attack. (He has never sneezed during this, and never has had a ...
A premium, nontoxic cat litter made entirely of plant byproducts, SoyKitty caters to eco-conscious cat owners seeking an odor-free household without harming the planet. Shop now for a sustainable choice. 3X odor protection | 99% dust-free | biodegradable
A stray cat with a physical deformity has quickly found his forever home in Kansas. The Kansas Humane Society (KHS) introduced a new addition on Wednesday — a black cat named Jinx, who has a congenital physical anomaly known as polydactyly. Polydactyl cats have extra toes that sometimes look...
results in the inhalation of dust and debris and subsequent sneezes. A ferret's sneeze, which is very loud and sounds like a combination of a cough and a sneeze, may be alarming to its owner. Unless sneezing is frequent or associated with other clinical signs, owners need not be concerned...