从报错信息来看,cat的文件是一个二进制文件,不能直接grep 查找条件进行查找,需要修改为grep -a 查找命令。 有几个点需要解决: 1.什么是二进制文件? 2.为什么二进制文件不能直接grep 查找条件? 3.-a具体指的是什么?解决哪些问题?
用法: grep [选项]... PATTERN [FILE]... SearchforPATTERNineach FILE. Example: grep-i'hello world'menu.h main.c Pattern selection and interpretation:-E, --extended-regexp PATTERNisan extended regular expression-F, --fixed-strings PATTERNisasetof newline-separated strings-G, --basic-regexp...
1.过滤多个关键词同时存在 cat file.log |grep -e '关键词1' |grep -e '关键词2'#或者grep -e '关键词1' -e '关键词2' file.log 其中的-e为允许多个模式匹配,示例如下 2.过滤关键词不存在的行 cat file.log|grep -v '关键词1' | grep -v '关键词2'##或者grep -v '关键词1' -v '关键...
cat file.log |grep -e '关键词1' |grep -e '关键词2' #或者 grep -e '关键词1' -e '关键词2' file.log 1. 2. 3. 其中的-e为允许多个模式匹配,示例如下 2.过滤关键词不存在的行 cat file.log|grep -v '关键词1' | grep -v '关键词2' ##或者 grep -v '关键词1' -v '关键词2'...
This option will take longer, depending on the size of the file that is being searched. The general usage is: $ grep keyword file.docThe following contains several examples of the usage of “grep:” $ grep Forensics iPhoneBook.txt (will search for “forensics” in the specified file) $ ...
xzcat MACT_ADTInbound.0314.xz | java -jar ../../musc/Hl7Snip.jar PID:18-1-1 PID:18-1-2 | grep -e '^[0-9]' | awk ' {print "[" "\x22" $1 "\x22 \x22" $2 "\x22]"}' descriptionxz is a general-purpose data compression tool with command line syntax similar to gzip(1...
- Regular expression support: CONFIG_REGEX If this variable is defined, U-Boot is linked against the SLRE (Super Light Regular Expression) library, which adds regex support to some commands, as for example "env grep" and "setexpr". - Device tree: CONFIG_OF_CONTROL If this variable is ...
zstdreads from standard input and writes the processed data to standard output.zstdwill refuse to write compressed data to standard output if it is a terminal: it will display an error message and skip the file. Similarly,zstdwill refuse to read compressed data from standard input if it is ...
zstdgrep (1) - print lines matching a pattern in zstandard-compressed files zstdless (1) - view zstandard-compressed files zstdmt (1) - zstd, zstdmt, unzstd, zstdcat - Compress or decompress .zst files zsh-lovers (1) - tips, tricks and examples for the Z shell zsh (1) - the Z...
1.搜索日志方法,写入文件,按搜索的字符串上下各200行返回grep -C 200 '刷新XXX错误' FileNameOrderInfo-2020-10-14-*.log >> 201014-4.txt 2. Binary file (standard input) matchescat test.log | grep "key 搜索 sed 字符串 原创1月前21阅读 ...