Problematicus 是一种巨型鱼,位于技术船无法触及的地方。它会向左游动,有时会停下来绕一小圈,然后恢复正常游动,或者只是一直绕圈游动。它是少数生活在最远海洋的鱼之一。有时会看到跟踪者跟着 Problematicus。 地点: Problematicus 沿着地图边缘在最远的海洋中游动。
钓法:需要一个大型鱼饵加一个Huge Hook(巨型钩),鱼饵在深海挂40秒出现,在这之前躲开Old Cusper。 H_0016 Problematicus $990,000 地点:在最远的海域里抛竿过去。 行为:游荡,只吃虫子。 钓法:需要一个worm蚯蚓加一个Huge Hook(巨型钩),蚯蚓用得到矿工帽回到家往土上身后抛竿得到,和虾一样相当于活鱼饵,矿工帽...
H_0016 Problematicus $990,000 地点:在最远的海域里抛竿过去。 行为:游荡,只吃虫子。 钓法:需要一个worm蚯蚓加一个Huge Hook(巨型钩),蚯蚓用得到矿工帽回到家往土上身后抛竿得到,和虾一样相当于活鱼饵,矿工帽在高原左部分第三个洞穴中。 小猫钓鱼测试服特色 ...
咬钩后则是体力消耗战,有的鱼钓起来甚至会手酸。 鱼的挣扎方式也比较多样:不挣扎、反向拉线、直冲礁底、绕圈、固定路线(例如Problematicus会带你完整游览一圈全部地图,作为游戏终局回顾)、其他鱼干扰、特殊机制(例如Conpas会带你去找宝物)等,鱼在挣扎一段时间后会丧失体力,不再挣扎,是对坚持到底的玩家的一种奖励...
Since all humans have bodies, it shouldn’t have surprised me that human ethical codes take them into account, but still: problematic for me. I broadened my considerations, and took a look at Asimov’s Laws of Robotics. They’re not part of a religion, but at least they were explicitly...
Rod handles are no different. When (or if) you land a large catfish on a fishing rod with a short handle you’ll quickly see how problematic it can be and how little control you have. Once you use a longer handle and a longer rod for catfish you quickly understand the advantage. ...
3. Gross gender inequality in the technology sector is problematic, not only for the industry-wide marginalisation of women, but because technology designs embody the values of their makers. 4. While redressing unequal representation in the workplace is a step in the right direction, broader soc...
Tomlinson’s argument is that interviewing in research is far from straightforward data-gathering and can be complex and problematic. The possibilities for misconstruing language and interpretation, the social and relational dynamics of the interview situation, the possibly competing agendas of researcher’...
The new TOS states that Riot can issue multiple penalties and bans for streamers and players who commit “a seriously egregious violation” or “problematic behavior.” Riot Games has dedicated a lot of time recently to discussing and exploring ways to rein in offensive and ill behavior in its...
Apartments are nothing like as problematic as houses. Trees near houses look nice, but they fall over. Concrete is better than wood. You can check and avoid floodplains. You can check and make sure your house is built well and not too low to the ground. You need a roof that will ...