import cv2 file_dir = "E:\\catanddog\\train0" save_dir ="E:\\catanddog\\train1" images = [] # 每张图片的路径组成的列表 temp = [] # 保存cat dog文件夹路径 for root, sub_folders, files in os.walk(file_dir): for name in files: images.append(os.path.join(root, name)) for ...
Our dataset consists of labeled images of dogs and cats, serving as the training material for the CNN to learn and generalize patterns. Ultimately, this CNN project exemplifies the power of deep learning in image classification tasks and serves as a foundatio...
Processes and transforms image data into a suitable format for the classifier. Trains a model (if applicable) to distinguish between cat and dog images. Evaluates accuracy, providing insight into the model’s performance on the dataset. Visualization The notebook uses matplotlib to display original ...
Dmcsoul/catdogdata Dmcsoul/catdogdataPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 1Branch0Tags Latest commit Dmcsoul data Apr 27, 2020 8c37d9e·Apr 27, 2020 History 1 Commit gittest/data data
kaggle dog and cat 猫狗大战是一个图片二分类问题,即判断一张图片的分类是猫还是狗.训练集一共有25000张图片,其中12500张图片有狗,另外的12500张图片有猫,测试集有图片12500张。图片中不会同时存在猫和狗。 本次实验吧25000张图片的训练集分割为train训练集和val验证集,其中训练集包含10000张图片,验证集保护...
Cat and Dog Image Classifier For this challenge, you will use TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras to create a convolutional neural network that correctly classifies images of cats...
Animal Image Dataset(DOG, CAT and PANDA) Dataset for Image Classification Practice Data CardCode (52)Discussion (0)Suggestions (0) About Dataset No description available Usability info License Unknown Tags Animals animals(3 directories) fullscreen ...
Remote source: Testing dataset contains dog and cat images for evaluating purpose folder Cat1944 files folder Dog1919 files Input (629.4 MB) folder Data Sources arrow_drop_down Cat or Dog Image Classification arrow_drop_down folder Test ...
公共数据集> catdogcatdog 2 猫狗 5 5Uh CC0 目标检测 21 41 2023-11-23 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 (359.17M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time datasets/Annotations/Abyssinian_1.xml 373 2023-11-01 16:29:10 datasets/Annotations/Abyssinian_10.xml 374...
Dog vs Cat复现 文件夹格式 仿照着陈云的书,自己做了些修改 dataset: 注意自己写dataset时至少写__init__(self) __getitem__(self, index) __len__(self, )这几个函数 __init__用于创建地址列表,transform等操作 __getitem__返回第index个data和label dataloader中会调用这个函数...