There’s a lot of different products out there for repelling cats, so read on to discover the most effective ones, how to use them and if they’re suitable for your garden. READ MORE Do ultrasonic cat deterrents actually work? Ultrasonic devices have been scientifically tested, including by...
What is cat deterrent spray and how does it work? Cat deterrent spray will prevent your cat from scratching or marking in the house. Most work by coating a surface with a thin layer of a substance that your cat will find objectionable and won’t want on her feet. Sprays that are mean...
In an attempt to empower landholders wishing to reduce cat incursions humanely, we tested the effectiveness of two ultrasonic cat deterrents (CatStop and On-Guard Mega-Sonic Cat Repeller). After confirming in arena trials that cats detect and respond negatively to an ultrasonic device, we ...
so a scratching post should be in an area that's used by the family, not hidden in a back corner. After a time, you can move the post away to the periphery of the room, but you'll need to do this gradually.
Just make sure to use a substance that doesn’t pose any health risks for your cat. We’d only recommend going for this option if none of the other tips work. Cats are sensitive to smells and it’s always better to ensure they’re comfortable. So if you live in a smaller flat, it...
How to Make a DIY Cat Deterrent Spray As a cat parent, we love our feline friends, but let’s be honest, sometimes their natural instincts can seriously clash with our home décor. The frustration of discovering claw marks on your favorite sofa, finding your beloved houseplants overturned an...
No matter what the offense, it is vital that you never strike your cat. This will not work. Even what we think is a gentle tap can do real damage to your cat, including kidney damage. Feline Offense: Jumping on counters, furniture, etc.: There are several deterrents that might work....
How to Make a DIY Cat Deterrent Spray As a cat parent, we love our feline friends, but let’s be honest, sometimes their natural instincts can seriously clash with our home décor. The frustration of discovering claw marks on your favorite sofa, finding your beloved houseplants overturned an...
We found that more than 68% of participants had at least one dog or cat, and of these, 45.3% reported having observed at least one case of bird predation by cats or dogs in their household. We estimated that the rough annual bird mortality rate due to predation following bird-window ...
某险工 6 号坝上跨角,汛期时出现根石坍塌险情,当日大河流量 6700 立方米每秒,坝前水位 56.00 米。根据现场根石探摸情况,坍塌后根石平均边坡为 1:0.8,水下深度为 4米,出险长度 50 米。请拟定抢护方法并计算恢复工程原貌所需石方量?