And here is our front gate, the little monkeys either climbed up it or jumped over it… until we put a piece of clear Perspex at the top. It is now too high to jump over, and the Perspex is too thin for them to get a grip on top, and the smooth surface of the Perspex over t...
but blissful overkill is part of the pleasure of Spymonkey. Making the said frog try to swallow Toby Park while he plays “All of me” on the bass clarinet is likewise a mere grace-note, part of the finale of this curious piece. Like the sudden appearance, earlier on,...
. For the sake of proportion, by the way, it is useful to check up the inflation calculator: just multiply by 16 all the sums involved, like house prices and the unscrupulous developer’s bribe to get sitting-tenants out. It’s performed with great elan, Laura Doddington as Marion ...
International Travel Tip: I’ve never seen this in the US, but at international (I’ve seen in Paris, Taipei, and HK) locations they have ICE CREAM FONDUE which is as glorious as it sounds. Scoops of ice cream (on dry ice), chocolate fondue, and other sweet bites. Stupidly overpriced...
Once the impurities had been burnt off, the huge Bessemer Converter (which, when full, could take thirty tons of pig iron!) was tipped over on the axle which attached it to a massive, secure frame built around it. When the converter was tipped over, pure steel poured out and ran into...
The catalytic converter installed was not what was actually broken, the cost of the wrong part was nearly double the expected cost quoted by Ford, the incorrect part was not installed correctly and leaked toxic exhaust fumes into the RV cab for miles nearly asphyxiating us as we drove. The ...
bought at a demolition place for $10 each. We didn’t have a lot of money to spend to create a run for our cats so I was always on the look out for cheap materials. For the cat furniture we got cheap off cuts of carpet. I even got the paint for the enclosure cheap at an ...