Neutering your cat is the responsible thing to do and will prevent unwanted litters should she escape from the home. It will also in most cases stop males from spraying which is a huge deterrent for people who want to have a cat. Many charities will help with low cost neutering or you...
I need hardly point out to you that this calculation would tend to keep the sum total of the world's population in a state of perpetual equipoise whereas it is a well-known fact that the said sum total is constantly on the increase. I would therefore take the liberty of suggesting that...
Echo got in touch with me, and my interest was piqued. Echo lives near me so I took her out for dinner. I met with Echo multiple times. There were no marks or scars on her thighs and she was not wearing foundation or other obscuring cosmetics. The lighting was bright. Her body in ...
There are plenty of charities/NGOs to which effective donations can be made, and succumbing to children’s requests unfortunately turns the kids into beggars. What do we like to do? Admittedly, sometimes we have given money (though not to children), or even candy if we happened to have ...
Everard King was already a name to conjure19 with in that part of the county. He had entertained the school-children, he had thrown his grounds open to visitors, he had subscribed20 to charities — in short, his benevolence had been so universal that my driver could only account for it ...