Cat Cafe Manager Slide 1 of 8 This is a modal window. No supported media sources This is a modal window. No supported media sources Language Nintendo Switch Regular Price:$19.99 Eligible for up to100Gold Points Direct download This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase...
Stay up to date on the latest news on Cat Cafe Manager 2 Subscribe Built with Kit discord Join a community of lovely cat enthusiasts! The devs hang out, too Join now Try the original game on PC or Nintendo Switch Get it on Steam ...
模拟经营类游戏《猫咖经理》(Cat Cafe Manager)公开新预告片,游戏将于4月14日在PC/Switch平台发售,支持简体中文。 游戏以猫咖为主题,玩家将在小镇上经营管理奶奶留下来的猫咪咖啡馆。玩家可以收养流浪猫,...
switch《猫咖经理 Cat Cafe Manager》中文版nsp/xci下载【含1.2.489-s补丁】 switch《猫咖经理 Cat Cafe Manager》中文版下载,这是一款轻松休闲风格的模拟经营游戏,玩家在游戏中经营一家猫咪主题的咖啡馆,通过养猫和村子里的人接触,还能够揭开古老的秘密。 成为一名猫咖经理吧!你的奶奶在卡特沃之路的阴森小镇给你留...
喜欢动森的一定会超爱‼️switch模拟经营游戏 💗switch模拟经营游戏合集💗 1⃣️ 哆啦A梦牧场物语 系列 《哆啦A梦牧场物语2自然王国与和乐家人 》 2⃣️ 《 Cat Cafe Manager 猫咖经理 》 3⃣️ 《 L - 哈妮VIVID于20230619发布在抖音,已经收获了28.1
《Cat Cafe Manager》是一款模拟经营类游戏,该作将于 4 月 14 日登陆 NS 和 PC 平台,更多相关信息快跟小编一起来了解一下吧~ 经营模拟游戏《Cat Cafe Manager》将于4月14日登陆NS/PC平台,售价19.99美元,支持中文。 玩家将扮演一名猫咖经理,将奶奶留下的猫咪咖啡馆重新运转起来,凭借良好的服务、优质的美食、加...
🔑 CCM1 Keys: We have knocked on the doors of Steam and Nintendo Switch and requested the keys for Cat Cafe Manager 1. As soon as we have them + you have sent us your info through the survey, we will make sure you receive a key. You can expect to get yours in the next couple...
猫咖经理キャットゥキャフェイマネイジャーCat Cafe Manager Roost Games 2022-04-14 6.87.9 独立 中文 0想玩0在玩13玩过23已购买1在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分6.8会员评分7.9 你好,新来的!欢迎来到卡特沃之路!听说你继承了这家老旧的猫咖。如果你想给可怜的流浪猫一个舒适...
猫咖经理キャットゥキャフェイマネイジャーCat Cafe Manager Roost Games 2022-04-14 6.87.9 独立 中文 0想玩0在玩13玩过23已购买1在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分6.8会员评分7.9 你好,新来的!欢迎来到卡特沃之路!听说你继承了这家老旧的猫咖。如果你想给可怜的流浪猫一个舒适...
Cat Cafe Manageris the sort of game where you likely know just by reading its name whether or not it's something you'd enjoy. It's cats. It's a cafe. You manage them. For some people, such a setup is as heavenly as the scent of morning espresso. Still, the game throwsa lotof...