Source: © Shutterstock Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years. They are the only species of the family Felidae that are domesticated. Their domestication by humans has been attributed to the fact that they… Cat Health Do Cats have Belly Buttons?
If you’ve ever thought that only dogs crave constant companionship and affection, think again. Some cat breeds are so sociable and cuddly that they could easily be mistaken for lap dogs in disguise. These felines love nothing more than being close to th
A cross between Siamese and Burmese, Tonkinese cats inherit the best of both breeds—chatty, intelligent, and utterly devoted. Their sleek bodies are packed with playful energy, making them great fun to be around. They despise being left alone for long and will often follow you just to stay...
One of the reasons why many potential pet owners don’t like cats is that they have this notion that felines are not affectionate. While it is true that the general population of cats are not as inclined to jump up onto your lap for attention, there are cat breeds that relish the warmt...
Besides retaining their kitten-cute features into adulthood many of the smaller breed tend to have a playful, spry predisposition. These cats tend to be energetic,intelligent, and a few can becuddly and affectionate. Take a look the top 10 small cat breeds that have left a big impression on...
The Ragdoll is one of the most affectionate and easygoing breeds. It is named as such because these cats often go limp and become relaxed whenever picked up. If you want a cat that you can bring with you anywhere, a Ragdoll is for you. At the same time, Ragdolls are absolutely beautifu...
All Dog Breeds Infographic What Foods Can Dogs Eat? What Are The Best Dog Names? How To Improve Your Dog's Health? How To Take Care Of Your Dog? How to Train Your Dog? TOP CAT TOPICS Cat Breeds What Foods Can Cats Eat? How To Take Care Of Your Cat? What Are The Best Cat ...
Detailed list of cat breeds, including rare and exotic breed of cats. Great information source about cat breed types for allergies, kids and apartments
There are many different breeds of cats, each with its own unique characteristics. Some of the most popular breeds include: 1. Siamese known for their distinctive coloring and vocalizations。 2. Persian known for their long hair and sweet temperament。 3. Maine Coon known for their large size...
Well, there are plenty of cat breeds that have great hunting abilities! It’s a paradox that cats can be a cute and cuddly pet, but also skillful hunters. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that they rely on meat to survive. So, hunting is an instinct most cat breeds carry even...