VCA Veterinary Referral and Emergency Center Norwalk (VCA-VREC) 123 West Cedar Street Norwalk, CT 06854 P:(203) 854-9960 Medvet Norwalk 129 Glover Ave Suite 1A Norwalk, CT 06850 P:(203) 838-6626 Cornell University Veterinary Specialists (CUVS) 880 Canal Street Stamford, CT 06902 P:(203)...
Trinity Catholic High School, Stamford三一天主高中 学校地址926 Newfield Avenue, Stamford, CT 06905 所在 州康涅狄格 Connecticut 学校性质混校,走读 成立时间1958年 年级设置9-12 在校人数415人 师生比例1:13 AP 课程8门 SAT平均分1822 学校网站 美国留学http://www.liumeinet...
Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot, Les Diaboliques is set in a crumbling boarding school in Paris. Sadistic headmaster Michel Delassalle (Paul Meuisse) runs a tight ship but works for his Venezuelan wife, Christina (Vera Clouzot), who owns the school. Michel is immersed in a torrid affair ...