The home that appears in the movie is located at 3159 W eleventh Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Where does movie RED take place? The story is about on the “Island of Music” Elegia, the place Uta, the world’s greatest diva, holds her first ever live live performance and divulges herself ...
“What if Trump does a Grover Cleveland?” Grover Cleveland checks back in. Speaking of come-back kids, Grover Cleveland was president 1885-1889, was out of office for four years, and then president again 1893-1897. In November 1888, he and former Ohio senator Allen Thurman lost to Civil ...
Th poster that I carried (seen above) during the Saturday, March 24, 2018 March for Our Lives in Cleveland, Ohio (one of hundreds of participating cities) represents a clear message: Focus on today’s youth because they have a voice that needs to be heard, they rallied others to particip...
she went to a truly great public high school in the Ohio suburbs, hers being up north in the more industrial Cleveland-Akron megalopolis. I like Ohio. I was lucky to spend half my childhood there. But whenever Hynde and The Pretenders over the past 30 years have performed this...
Language.Whether on the phone or face-to-face, keep your language current. For instance, “employee orientation” has been replaced with “on-boarding.” News flash: Don’t appear to be hip or cool when a Millennial is doing the interviewing by saying, “Whazzuuppp?” You’ll just look...