fat cat n slang a.a very wealthy or influential person b.(as modifier):a fat-cat industrialist. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
It's also drenched in Spanish movie tropes: bellyaching about Franco and his violent restrictive regime, making fun of regional accents, and sexual relations between young people apropos of nothing. Seems Spaniards are timid about making movies divorced from the Spanish environment. ...
Lugosi´s Belly Cleavage 29 April 2015 Lugosi is a big cat, not really fat as such, but he does have quite a belly on him. When he had an ultrasound recently as part of his geriatric… Spider Comfy? Me? 2 April 2015 What do *you* think? Spider strikes a pose… ...
A cat who is at an ideal body weight has an hourglass figure with a natural narrowing of the waist just behind the rib cage seen by looking from the side or above. Their ribs would be easy to feel but not easy to see. Fat would be present on different areas of the body, but they...
a一个很肥的猫,躺在墙边,身旁是几个啤酒罐,这只猫很肥很肥,肚子圆鼓鼓的,以至于我都不敢相信它还能爬起来 A very fat cat, lies down nearby the wall, the one's side is several beer cans, this cat is very fat very fat, belly swollen, I all do not dare to believe it also can crawl ...
a 6-yearold male domestic shorthaired cat that was receiving steroid shots every six months when we got him, but our veterinarian opted not to give him this shot when we first brought him in, and now he is scratching all the time and has licked all of the hair off of his belly. ...
TAURUS CAT - THE FAT CAT (April 19 - May 20)Taurus cat is all about pleasure, which happens to come in the form of food and then laying around with a full belly. They are grazers and will rarely walk by their bowl without enjoying the savory taste of just one more bite. Most ...
condition score, and ensure they're not struggling with obesity. When you pet your cat, you should be able to feel their ribs quite easily with a small covering of fat. Your cat should usually have a well-defined waist when viewed from above, and a small amount of fat on their belly....
(they look like breeches) to the belly, where the fur is usually at its longest. The neck ruff is magnificent and forms a bib on the chest. Many Cymrics are really hirsute and also display luxuriant tuffs of fur between their toes and in their ears. While gorgeous to look at and to...
when a catpurr pawsyour belly to see if you're asleep; if you pass, then the cat knows it's all right to become a lump on top of you 'Why do you belly test me to see if I'm awake?' I asked the cat. 'Just come up here and see if I stroke you!'(Rhys Tuttle) ...