She ensures that each adoption is a perfect fit for the person and the cat. Nikki also makes some of the best coffee I’ve had in St. Augustine. My favorites are the flame point latte, the lavender latte, and any of the frozen lemonades Nikki mixes up. The atmosphere is incredible, ...
In August 2014, right after Henry "lost everything" (his siblings, his eye, his kidney and bordering on losing the sight in his remaining eye) we had booked a trip to St. Augustine to try to help him through his tough time by gong on a mini vacation. Well, it fell through. He w...
Supernatural Adoption Supernatural Gift Supernatural Order Superstition Supper, Last Suppression of English Monasteries Under Henry VIII Suppression of Monasteries in Continetal Europe Supremi Disciplinae Sura Surin, Jean-Joseph Surius, Laurentius Surplice Susa, Diocese of Susa Susanna, Saints Tiburtius and...
Unhappily distinguished among the bishops of Urgel is Félix, who, with Elipando of Toledo, embraced the Adoptionist heresy, asserting that Christ is the adoptive son of God. This heresy was combated by Theodulus, Bishop of Seville, by Etherius of Osma, and by St. Beatus of Liebana, ...
Under normal circumstances, the opening session of the General Assembly on Saturday afternoon is mostly training and business done as a formality. This includes the adoption of the Standing Rules, report of the outgoing Co-Moderators, the first report of the Nominating Committee and information on ...
And while Henry was busy sniffing away on his most recent outing, he caught the eye of a kitten that was available for adoption. This kitten intently followed Henry and wanted to get and play with him so badly! Since the kitten was in one of the upper cages, Henry, of course, did ...
to that of grace and Divine sonship through Jesus Christ, the second Adam, our Redeemer (l.c., cap.iv: "Justificatio impii. . . translatio ab eo statu, in quo homo nascitur filius primi Adae, in statum gratiae et adoptionis filiorum Dei per secundum Adam, Jesum Christum, Salvatorem...